Service şi reparaţii pentru produse

Aflaţi tot ce trebuie să ştiţi despre trimiterea produsului pentru service sau reparaţii. Aceasta include găsirea unui centru de reparaţii, paşii de urmat pentru a programa un serviciu sau o reparaţie şi o selecţie de întrebări frecvente pentru a răspunde la orice întrebări pe care le puteţi avea.

Procesul de service şi reparaţii

Dacă aveţi probleme cu produsul dumneavoastră, vizitaţi mai întâi site-ul de asistenţă Canon pentru a accesa ghiduri de utilizare, descărcări, întrebări frecvente şi alte informaţii utile de depanare.

Crearea unui cont asigură un proces mai uşor de trimitere a solicitărilor şi avantaje suplimentare.

Dacă sunteţi o companie, faceţi clic pe [COMPANIE] mai jos pentru a vă înregistra/conecta la contul dumneavoastră şi pentru a vă procesa solicitarea.

Dacă sunteţi client, puteţi crea un cont Canon sau puteţi iniţia solicitarea făcând clic pe [CLIENT] mai jos.

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Vi se va cere să completaţi un formular. Pentru a vă asigura că produsele dumneavoastră sunt reparate/întreţinute şi returnate prompt, vă rugăm să oferiţi cât mai multe detalii posibil.

În timpul acestui pas, veţi fi îndrumat şi informat cu privire la locaţia de service aplicabilă: fie un Centru profesional Canon, fie Centrul fabricii Canon sau un partener de service autorizat Canon pentru produsul(ele) dumneavoastră.

Rezumatul comenzii va cuprinde toate detaliile solicitării dumneavoastră şi trebuie trimis împreună cu echipamentul dumneavoastră. Imprimaţi-l şi trimiteţi-l împreună cu produsul(ele) dumneavoastră pentru a ne permite să confirmăm primirea acestora şi pentru a ne oferi toate informaţiile necesare pentru a vă procesa solicitarea.

Dacă nu puteţi imprima rezumatul comenzii, contactaţi-ne pentru asistenţă suplimentară.

Trimiteţi (predaţi personal) produsele la locaţia de service aplicabilă, asigurându-vă că acestea sunt ambalate în siguranţă.

Vă rugăm să consultaţi întrebările frecvente de mai jos pentru a afla cum să vă împachetaţi produsele în siguranţă, deoarece nerespectarea acestei instrucţiuni poate cauza daune suplimentare în timpul transportului.

Echipa noastră vă va contacta dacă avem nevoie de aprobarea dumneavoastră pentru a continua. Veţi primi un e-mail care conţine instrucţiuni despre modul de urmărire a stării solicitării dumneavoastră sau vă puteţi accesa contul pentru noutăţi.

Dacă aţi solicitat un serviciu partenerului nostru de service, operaţiunile acestuia pot fi diferite.

Critical document Gov hero

Ne propunem să vă răspundem în cel mai scurt timp posibil. În funcţie de solicitarea dumneavoastră, produsele vă vor fi expediate sau pregătite pentru colectare de la noi.

Dacă aveţi nevoie înapoi urgent de produsul(ele) dumneavoastră, vă recomandăm să vă abonaţi la CPS (dacă sunteţi o companie) sau să adăugaţi servicii Expres la solicitare (în funcţie de disponibilitate).

Dacă aţi solicitat un serviciu partenerului nostru de service, operaţiunile acestuia pot fi diferite.

Începeţi reparaţia

Nu am nevoie de reparaţii, am nevoie de…


Menţineţi echipamentul complet funcţional


Îmbunătăţiţi capacităţile de performanţă ale produselor selectate

Servicii expres

Dacă vă grăbiţi, vă oferim servicii de curăţare a senzorilor în timp ce aşteptaţi şi timpi de răspuns mai rapizi.

Începeţi serviciul

Service & Repair Process FAQs

  • In the first instance, we suggest that you refer to our Product Support which contains information that may be useful in helping you resolve your issue. After selecting your product, you will have access to frequently asked questions, user manuals, drivers, software and firmware downloads

    Alternatively, you can arrange a repair as defined below.

  • 1 - Request your service or repair

    If you are a business:
    • To be able to submit a service or repair request to Canon you must have an active Business Account.
    • You can register for a Business Account or alternatively log in if you already have a Business Account.

    If you are a Consumer:

    2 - Start your service or repair request

    Log into your Canon Account or Business Account to start your service or repair request via the Support section of your account. Alternatively, if you are a consumer, you can start your request by navigating to Arrange a Repair or Arrange a Service.

    You will be guided through relevant steps to complete the form (i.e. request type, fault information, proof of purchase or add additional products etc) and submit your request for your product(s). You will be advised of the applicable service location - either a Canon Professional Service Centre, our Canon Factory Service Centre or a Canon Authorised Service Partner for your product(s).

    Please be aware that Canon Authorised Service Partners are independent organisations and therefore operate with their own terms & conditions. Therefore, you may wish to contact them for further details, prior to sending any products for service or repair to them.

    3 - Print your order summary

    Once you have submitted your request, you can print your order summary and a copy will also be emailed to you (in case you need to print at a later point). Your order summary will capture all details of your request and should be provided with your product, when sending into the service location (either a Canon Professional Service Centre, our Canon Factory Service Centre or Canon Authorised Service Partner). This will enable the service location to confirm receipt of your product(s) and provide them with all information needed to process your request.

    4 - Send us your product(s)

    By sending an item to a Canon Professional Service Centre, our Canon Factory Service Centre or a Canon Authorised Service Partner, you are not entering into an agreement with Canon, therefore Canon will accept no liability for any loss or damage that occurs during transit.

    We recommend that your product is safely and securely packaged. Please refer to our Service & Repair FAQs below and your user manual for shipping instructions, as failure to do so may cause further damage during transit. Depending on the value of the product, you may also wish to consider insuring the shipment. You also have the option to take your product(s) in person to a Canon Professional Service Centre, our Canon Factory Service Centre or Canon Authorised Service Partner.

    5 - Track the status of your request

    Where a product has been sent to a Canon Professional Service Centre or Canon Factory Service Centre:

    Upon receipt, your product(s) will be registered into our system and an acknowledgement message will be sent to you to confirm receipt.

    Once your order has been processed and your product(s) have been assessed, we will either immediately proceed with your request (subject to our Terms of Service & Repair) or where applicable contact you to request your approval to proceed (i.e. in the case of Time & Cost Quotations).

    Order acceptance and the completion of the contract for the purchase of the service & repair takes place when we initiate the requested service or repairs unless we have notified you that we do not accept your order. The terms of your contract will be stored by us and you will receive a copy in your order acknowledgement.

    You will be able to check the status of your request and where necessary interact with the Canon Professional Service Centre or Canon Factory Service Centre as follows:

    Where a product has been sent to a Canon Authorised Service Partner:

    Please be aware that Canon Authorised Service Partners are independent organisations and therefore operate with their own terms & conditions and processes. Therefore, you may wish to contact them for further details, prior to sending any products for service or repair to them.

    Please note: The above information is provided for customer advice only and does not constitute an agreement of any kind between Canon and the customer. The specific terms and conditions of the Canon Professional Service Centre or Canon Authorised Service Partner will take precedence over all information provided on this page.

Service & Repair FAQ's

  • În cazul în care doriţi un serviciu pentru produsul dumneavoastră Canon, Centrele de service profesionale Canon vă pot oferi o gamă de opţiuni de servicii cu preţ fix, în funcţie de produsul(ele) dumneavoastră:

    Dacă reprezentaţi o companie:

    • Pentru a putea trimite o solicitare de service sau reparaţii la Canon, trebuie să aveţi un cont de companie activ.
    • Vă puteţi înregistra pentru un cont de companie sau vă puteţi conecta dacă aveţi deja unul.
    • După ce v-aţi conectat la contul dumneavoastră de companie, navigaţi la secţiunea „Asistenţă”, unde veţi fi îndrumat prin procesul de trimitere a solicitării de service.

    Dacă sunteţi consumator:

    Partenerii noştri de service autorizaţi Canon pot oferi servicii similare sau echivalente.

  • In the event that your Canon product develops a fault, we provide a network of service locations (consisting of Canon Professional Service Centres and Canon Authorised Service Partners) who will be happy to repair your product to the original Canon specifications.

    If you are a Business:

    • To be able to submit a service request to Canon you must have an active Business Account.
    • You can register for a Business Account or alternatively log in if you already have a Business Account.
    • Once you have logged into your Business Account, navigate to the ‘Support’ section where you will be guided through the process of raising your service request.

    If you are a Consumer:

    All service locations within our network can accept repairs either via post/courier delivery or in person.

    Where your product is covered by a Canon Commercial Warranty offering, any repairs performed will be free of charge to you (subject to the applicable terms & conditions which can be found via our Warranty Hub). Where your product is not covered by a Canon Commercial warranty offering, any repairs performed will be on a chargeable basis.

    Alternatively, as a consumer, you benefit from statutory legal rights covering the sale of goods and you may wish to contact the seller who you purchased your product from to discuss any support options that they may be able to provide.

  • In the event that your Canon Commercial Warranty period has expired or the nature of the fault is not covered by it, Canon Professional Service Centres are able to offer you a range of chargeable repair options depending on your product(s):

    • Fixed Price Repair: You will be provided with a fixed price, prior to sending your Product(s) to a Canon Professional Service Centre. This fixed price is offered for faults caused by normal wear & tear and will include the cost of all required spare parts, labour and return shipping. If the defect is found to be caused by other circumstances (i.e. impact or liquid damage) we will contact you to offer a Time & Cost Quotation.
    • Repair Limit: You can set a Repair Limit (i.e. maximum repair fee), prior to sending your Product(s) to a Canon Professional Service Centre, however a minimum value applies. This acts as your authorisation for us to proceed with the repair and no quotation will be provided. If the repair can be completed for a fee lower than the specified Repair Limit, you will only be charged the lower amount. The provision of a Repair Limit may result in a faster repair turnaround time for you and your repair will also not be subject to a rejection fee (applicable if you request a Time & Cost Quotation)
    • Time & Cost Quotation: You can request a Time & Cost Quotation, where following arrival at a Canon Professional Service Centre a technical diagnosis will be performed. We will then provide you with a quotation detailing the anticipated costs to repair your Product(s), which you will have the opportunity to either accept or decline, prior to any repair work commencing. Should you decline our quotation, a rejection fee may be applied to cover the cost of inspection.

    All of our Chargeable Repair options are subject to our Terms of Service & Repair.

    Where your applicable service location is a Canon Authorised Service Partner, they will also be able to offer you a Chargeable repair. However, the exact options available to you may differ and will be subject to the Canon Authorised Service Partners terms and conditions.

  • Please ensure that your product is safely and securely packaged and refer to your User Manual for model specific shipping instructions.

    Failure to adequately prepare (and package) your product for shipment may cause further damage during transit and may result in your Canon Commercial Warranty being invalidated.

    We recommend taking the following steps before shipping your Printer products:

    • DO NOT remove the Print Head(s), Ink(s) or Toner(s) from the printer. Doing so may damage the printer and invalidate any Canon Commercial Warranty.
    • With the Print Head(s), Ink(s) or Toner(s) still installed in the printer, press the ON button to turn off the power and then unplug the power cord.
    • Unplug all cables. Do not return any cables with your printer unless asked to do so.
      • For MEGATANK (G, GM & GX Series) models, please consult the online manual for your printer (available here) and search for “Repairing Your Printer” for additional transportation steps that must be carried out to ensure that transportation functions (such as Ink Valve Levers, carriage stoppers etc) have been actuated as applicable.
    • Remove any paper from the printer.
    • Retract or close any paper output, cassette, rear feed covers, document covers or document feed trays.
    • Using a suitable adhesive tape secure all the covers on the printer, then place it into a plastic bag.
      • We recommend masking tape or similar. Do not use tape that will leave a residue (such as Brown Packing Tape, Sellotape, or Duct Tape).
    • Pack the printer using the original box and packaging if you still have it, ensuring the printer is cushioned to prevent it from moving within the box.
    • Alternatively, if the original box and packaging is no longer available, place the printer into a double wall (thick) box and cushion with bubble wrap until it is secure and not moving in the box.
    • Place your ‘Order Summary’ in the box with the product.
    • Secure the box with strong tape. Double tape the top and bottom of the package for extra support.
    • After packing, DO NOT tilt the box containing the printer or turn it on its side or upside down. Doing so may cause the ink to leak during transportation and cause further damage to the printer.
    • To assist the shipping courier with the correct handling of your printer during transport, we also recommend that you mark the box as follows:
      • "THIS SIDE UP" to keep the printer with its bottom facing down.
      • Also mark with "FRAGILE" or "HANDLE WITH CARE".

    For more detailed instructions on preparing your inkjet printer for shipping please consult the online manual for your printer (available here) and search for “Repairing Your Printer” or “Transporting your printer”.

    We recommend taking the following steps for Photo and Video products:

    • Prior to packaging, please save any settings (if applicable), as your product may need to be reset to the default factory settings during repair.
    • Remove accessories such as batteries, memory cards, battery chargers, cables (unless related to the product fault).
    • Ensure that you place your body/lens cap onto your product and always package your photo/video bodies & lenses separately (i.e., not attached) to protect them during transport and note that we will not supply a new body/lens free of charge following completion of your repair/service.
    • Pack the product(s) using the original box and packaging if you still have it, ensuring the product is cushioned to prevent it from moving within the box.
    • Alternatively, if the original box and packaging is no longer available, place the product(s) into a double wall (thick) box and cushion with bubble wrap until it is secure and not moving in the box.
    • Place your ‘Order Summary’ in the box with the product.
    • Secure the box with strong tape. Double tape the top and bottom of the package for extra support.
    • To assist the shipping courier with the correct handling of your product during transport, we also recommend that you mark the box as follows:
      • "THIS SIDE UP" to keep the product with its bottom facing down.
      • Also mark with "FRAGILE" or "HANDLE WITH CARE".

  • If you have sent your product to a Canon Professional Service Centre, you can check the status of your repair or service request as follows:

    If you have sent your product to a Canon Authorised Service Partner, please contact them directly for a status update.

  • In the unlikely event that you still experience an issue following the completion of your repair, please contact the Canon Professional Service Centre as our repairs are guaranteed to be free from defects (subject to the our Terms Of Service & Repair).

    If you sent your product to a Canon Authorised Service Partner, please contact them directly.

  • We recommend that repairs are performed by the Canon Professional Service Centre only, as special tools and software may be required in order to safely repair your product.

    However, if required, genuine Canon spare parts can be purchased via our Canon Spare Part Distributor A.J. Johnstone. 

    Please visit the A.J. Johnstone website and complete their online form to submit your request.

  • We are committed to ensuring sustainable support is available for our products for as long as possible. Once a product is removed from sale by Canon, we endeavour to ensure spare parts are available for the following periods:

    DSLR EOS 1D Series, EOS 5D Series 7
    Other EOS Series 5
    EOS M Series 5
    LENSES EF - L Series, RF - L Series, DO Series, TS-E Series & CN-E Series 7
    All Other Lens Series 5
    FLASH All Speedlite Models 5
    COMPACT CAMERA PowerShot G Series 5
    PowerShot D30, PowerShot S120, PowerShot SX60HS, PowerShot SX70HS, PowerShot SX520HS, PowerShot SX530HS, PowerShot SX740 HS 5
    VIDEO LEGRIA Series; X Series (XF; XA; XL; XH; XC); ME Series; ML Series & Cinema EOS Series 7
    Accessories: RC-V100, EVF-V70, SG-1, OU-700, SU-15, MO-4E, MO-4P, MA-400,CT-V1, SP-V1, WM-V1, WP-V1, WP-V2, WP-V3, DM-100, SM-V1 7
    PROJECTOR XEED Series, LV Series & LX Series 7
    BINOCULAR All Binoculars 5
    PRINTERS PIXMA & MAXIFY Series (excluding models listed below) 5
    i-SENSYS Series 7
    SCANNER CanoScan Series 5
    OTHER PRODUCTS All Photo Accessories; Lenses (EF50 F1.8 STM; EF-M 22MM f/2.0; EF-M 15-45MM F/3.5-6.3 IS STM only); PowerShot Series (excluding models listed above); IXUS Series;Video Accessories & Lenses (excluding models listed above); Projector Accessories & Lenses;  Calculators; PIXMA Printers (MG2xxx; MG3xxx; MG5xxx; MX4xx; MX5xx; TR45xx; TS3xxx & TS5xxx); Selphy CP Series; Zoemini Series, IVY REC and Scanners (CanonScan Lide Series & P 2XX Series) No Parts

    Where it is not possible for us to obtain a required spare part during this period, we will ensure that an alternative solution is provided to our customers.

  • Întreţinerea regulată menţine produsul în cea mai bună stare de funcţionare şi îi asigură performanţe la standardele aşteptate, ceea ce vă va oferi cele mai bune rezultate la înregistrarea de imagini şi poate reduce posibilitatea ca produsul să necesite o reparaţie într-un moment critic. Aflaţi mai multe despre întreţinere şi cum vă poate ajuta să vă asiguraţi că echipamentul dumneavoastră este pregătit atunci când aveţi nevoie.

    Întreţinerea echipamentului la producător înainte de vânzare asigură faptul că produsul este în cea mai bună stare de funcţionare, oferind un nivel suplimentar de încredere noului proprietar. Aceasta garantează funcţionalitate şi fiabilitate optime, sporind valoarea generală a produsului şi crescând încrederea în performanţele acestuia.

Service & Repair Payment FAQ's

  • Following completion of a chargeable repair or service, you will receive an invoice by email. This is to notify you of the final cost of your repair or service and no action relating to payment is required at this point.

    If you have requested your product to be shipped back to you:

    • You will receive a separate payment request email from us, which will outline the payment methods that are available, including online payment. Payment can be made once you have received this email.
    • Please note: Your product will not be shipped until payment has been received. If you choose to pay via bank transfer, this will usually take 3-5 working days. For this reason, online payment by credit/debit card, or Apple Pay/Google Pay, is preferred as we can ship your product soon after payment.

    If you would like to collect your product:

    • You will receive a separate email from us advising that your product is ready for collection. Please wait for this email before travelling, otherwise there may be delays when you arrive.
    • You will be able to make direct payment when you arrive to collect your product.
    • If you choose to pay via bank transfer in advance of collection, please note that we will not be able to release your product to you until the funds have cleared into our bank account (usually 3-5 working days).

  • Once your repair or service is complete, you will receive an invoice by email. Depending on the payment terms of your account (shown on your invoice), payment will either be required before your product will be returned, or your product will be returned and payment must be made within the specified timeframe.

  • Payment methods and requirements will vary if the repair or service is not performed by a Canon Professional Service Centre (PSC) or Canon Factory Service Centre (FSC).

    Please contact your chosen Canon Authorised Service Partner for further details or if you have any questions relating to your payment.

Professional Service Center şi Factory Service Center Canon

Aflaţi mai multe despre echipă şi facilităţi la Professional Service Center sau la Factory Service Center Canon.

S-ar putea să aveţi nevoie şi de...


Contactaţi-ne pentru asistenţă la telefon sau pe e-mail


Localizaţi un centru de reparaţii şi găsiţi alte informaţii utile cu privire la procesul de reparare


Aflaţi mai multe despre Programul de reciclare a cartuşelor Canon

Contul Canon

Înregistraţi-vă produsul şi gestionaţi contul Canon